TIP You can select several points by drawing a lasso around the points, or by holding Shift while clicking on points to add them to your selection. You can undo your last drawing stroke, erase parts of a drawing, move, transform or delete drawing strokes, and tweak the points and curves of your drawing strokes. Harmony offers multiple ways to adjust drawings. If you press and hold Alt while drawing a stroke, and end your drawing stroke near existing artwork, the end of that drawing stroke will connect to that artwork. If you press and hold Alt before drawing a stroke, and start drawing near existing artwork, the start of your drawing stroke will connect to that artwork. If you press and hold the Ctrl (Windows/Linux) or ⌘ (macOS) key while drawing, your drawing stroke will turn into a closed shape. If you press and hold the Shift and Alt keys before or while drawing, you will draw a straight horizontal or vertical line.

If you are using a pressure-sensitive tablet, you can draw over your line to adjust its thickness. If you press and hold the Spacebar key while drawing a straight line, the angle of your line will lock.

If you press and hold the Shift key before or while drawing, you will draw a straight line. In the Pencil Properties dialog, you can customize the size, smoothing, texture and line ends of your pencil. In the Brush Properties dialog, you can customize the size, shape, texture, feathering and smoothing of your brush. If you want to make changes to your brush or pencil, in the Tool Properties view, click on the arrow button to open the Brush Properties or Pencil Properties dialog.