19:55:06 ERROR TextNow at $n(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:637) 19:55:06 ERROR TextNow at .runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1137) 19:55:06 ERROR TextNow at $n(RealCall.kt:7) 19:55:06 ERROR TextNow at retrofit2.g$a.onResponse(OkHttpCall.java:2) 19:55:06 ERROR TextNow at mz.d.b(KotlinExtensions.kt:12) 19:55:06 ERROR TextNow retrofit2.HttpException: HTTP 401 Unauthorized 19:55:05 DEBUG TextNow PerimeterX Intercepting request. 19:55:04 DEBUG TextNow Using existing token 19:55:04 DEBUG TextNow AuthorizationActivityViewModel#requestSignIn The latest app does not produce logs in that location, but when I installed the older version I had as backup, it did, and showed me: I then went into the device shell, to the TN cache so I could see the logs. I then upgraded the TN app to see if it made any difference, and the only diff was the placement/form of the error. Then the activation option disappeared after the failure, so I cleared the data/cache, and tried to log back in, and the login failed for some reason. I originally WAS logged-in to TN on my device, and was trying to work out activating my sim which wasn't happening. It's disappointing that it isn't more descriptive. I’m really annoyed to be accused of violating TOS by not even get into the account for 1 single minute.Seems others are having this type of message for various things. I registered by my gmail address again and everything went smooth. I’m the type of the guy that really prefer to use one email for everything. So I registered an account, and even before I log in once, I violated TOS and now permanently banned. The support just says I’m sorry but no further details can be given. I read the damn TOS and found SURPRISINGLY there’s nothing wrong I did. I asked what exactly I violate and all I got is links to TOS. WTF is that, I don’t even get into the account once. I was told that my account violate TOS and is permanently disabled. So I contacted support through live chat. You must verify your email to regain access to your account.” Oh okay, I waited for the email. “This account has violated our Terms of Use. The app freeze in white so I closed the app and opened it again. I put in my email and choose a password I choose continue. So I’m new to TextNow Yesterday I registered an account using my main email (hotmail).